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Comments on Profile Post by fredmay20

  1. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Rainbow turds happen on my page and I'll issue you a spam warning. >_>
    Jan 26, 2014
  2. fredmay20
    it was a joke, be kind.... like your status >_>
    Jan 26, 2014
  3. FuzzyBlueBaron
    I was aware that it might have been a joke but I get too many people spamming me with stuff to not be a kill-joy, sorry.
    Jan 26, 2014
  4. fredmay20
    The pains D: but seriously, how life ^(^_^)^
    Jan 26, 2014
  5. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Eh, is good. Yourself?
    Jan 26, 2014
  6. fredmay20
    good :) I'm still eating the fruitcake that was supposed to me yours :D
    Jan 26, 2014
  7. fredmay20
    I still don't get your avatar.. why?
    Jan 28, 2014
  8. fredmay20
    Also (sorry for spammin profile :/ ) can you take a look at my application?
    Jan 28, 2014
  9. FuzzyBlueBaron
    My profile pic accurately represents my attitude & outlook on much of the world.

    Also, I'll have a look and run it past the others.
    Jan 28, 2014
  10. fredmay20
    How gain your supp. <3
    Jan 29, 2014
  11. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Assuming this is YB we're talking about, just be yourself.
    Jan 29, 2014
  12. fredmay20
    Ok:) I never see you ingame though D:
    Jan 29, 2014
  13. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Being youself on the forums counts for more, fwiw: "We don't particularly care about how proficient you are at KAG, but rather the the character you bring to the table. Commitment and involvement to the community and game are sought after"
    Jan 29, 2014
  14. fredmay20
    I wasn't saying that... I was really just saying we should play in-game sometime :P but thanks for the tips anyways!
    Jan 29, 2014
  15. fredmay20
    Also, since you said be yourself, how do you make a professional looking application ?
    Jan 29, 2014
  16. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Generally speaking: If there's a format laid out for you, follow it carefully. If there is no format then just try to not come off like a conceited jackass. :p
    Jan 29, 2014
  17. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Exact format for "not coming off like a conceited jackass" may differ depending on what you're applying for, but as an example try briefly introducing yourself followed by succinctly listing the reasons why you're a good choice (including relevant skills, personal attributes, previous experience, etc.).
    Jan 29, 2014
  18. fredmay20
    Ok, ill edit my app. A little bit and then will you take a look at it and give personal opinion?
    Jan 29, 2014
  19. fredmay20
    I finished editing, personal opinion?
    Jan 29, 2014
  20. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Much tidier. :)
    Jan 29, 2014
  21. fredmay20
    Jan 31, 2014