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Comments on Profile Post by Superblackcat

  1. FuzzyBlueBaron
    People keep posting on ma profile, pleb. >_>

    Mar 5, 2014
  2. Superblackcat
    Or maybe you're just staring at yourself ;)
    Mar 5, 2014
  3. Superblackcat
    FuzzyBlueBaron was last seen: Viewing member profile FuzzyBlueBaron, 12 minutes ago
    Mar 5, 2014
  4. FuzzyBlueBaron
    See? I told you people keep posting on my profile. ;_;

    (Actually, I'm spending most of my time working on the details for CSK2. Which is coming. Soon. :3)
    Mar 5, 2014
  5. Superblackcat
    (Oh-Oh-OH, Can I help?)
    Mar 5, 2014
  6. Superblackcat
    FuzzyBlueBaron was last seen: Viewing member profile FuzzyBlueBaron, A moment ago
    Mar 5, 2014
  7. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Yes, once I've finished working on this next draft. I've been planning on adding you along with a few others to the convo.

    Also, your mother.
    Mar 5, 2014
  8. Apronymous
    How narcissistic, careful FBB you might turn into a flower.
    Mar 5, 2014