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Comments on Profile Post by Sir_Walter

  1. Sir_Walter
    I know that it is a spoof, but it seems malicious and useless, not to mention it violates the rules of making groups (if I remember correctly). This guy Mike should take up his issues with the Zens personally, instead of making a passive-aggressive pseudo-clan to get back at them for being better than him. You might want to delete it and have a stern talk with "Mike."
    Apr 1, 2014
  2. Sir_Walter
    Also, it looks like this is an alternate account of someone: as you can see here (https://forum.kag2d.com/members/mike.12876/), he set his occupation to "troll," location to "under a bridge," is a fairly recent account, and has made this fake clan and nothing else (no posts or likes).
    Apr 1, 2014
  3. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Merci. Is dealt with. <3
    Apr 1, 2014
  4. RadioActive
    [02:04:06] <RadioActive> Kedram: Is this guy in Zen?
    [02:04:34] <[Zen] mike> I'm the clan leader.
    [02:04:37] <[Zen] kedram> no fuck you
    Btw. When I told him to "register" his clan and to change the clan tag, didn't expect that he'll create such piece of shiz ;_; GJ FBB, I hope he'll stop now.
    Apr 1, 2014
  5. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Eh, dun worry guys. Basically a case of a group of friends who have clanned up as ZEN in other games and simply did so here. I heartily suggest everyone involved puts it down to a misunderstanding and moves on. :)
    Apr 1, 2014