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Comments on Profile Post by Reudh

  1. KingXandercosm
    I already took this fact into account, LordReudh... It is supposed to sound funny... I am exalted that you delve into the interworkings of my signature but, I jest not, there is little that I do not know about it.
    I spent little under fifteen minutes perfecting it to fit my needs and ways... Fear not...
    Apr 4, 2014
  2. Apronymous
    I literally cringed while reading this.
    Apr 7, 2014
  3. KingXandercosm
    Overly dramatic, huh...
    Apr 7, 2014
  4. Apronymous
    No but seriously, that made me cringe.
    I'll be giving this wall a wide berth from now on.
    Apr 7, 2014