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Comments on Profile Post by Jace

  1. Sarmane
    sorry for late reply-
    firstly if you refer to the archived front page of AOE Public Thread


    you can see that we will no longer be accepting applications from players BUT are still considerate of potential members who display some of the following abilities:
    Apr 2, 2012
  2. Sarmane
    -multi-skilled in all three classes
    -acceptable level of in game activity (i believe atm just being able to make clan training or clan wars and SOME involvement on forums from each month
    -ability to use microphone and computer talk programs (not as essential front up)
    Apr 2, 2012
  3. Sarmane
    i would say that sums up the basic areas- THAT being said, in reality AOE (Foxodi) is not really accepting new members atm as it has quite a full capacity feeling and the general idea for new prospective players would be to find or even CREATE a new clan for the Aussie scene- hopefully this helps u out and see you in game :)
    Apr 2, 2012
  4. kl4060
    shorter explanation you'll never be in...
    Apr 10, 2012