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Comments on Profile Post by dayleaf

  1. Shadlington
    I don't really see it, personally.
    May 4, 2014
  2. dayleaf
    maybe its just me, meh
    May 4, 2014
  3. dayleaf
    one thing more, a guy called sadisticsniper was speedhacking, he said it was lag, some minutes later he admit that he was hacking but he cant be banned because he helped testing beta and he have immunity (all happened in classic)
    is that true? or just a lier?
    May 7, 2014
  4. dayleaf
    he said that*
    May 7, 2014
  5. Shadlington
    Yeah that is a lie:
    1. He didn't help test
    2. If he had he wouldn't have immunity anyway
    3. He has actually been banned for hacking (but some servers allow banned players on them anyway, so that could be when you saw him)
    May 7, 2014