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Comments on Profile Post by dayleaf

  1. MelMinaya
    Oh, don't worry. I'll be under your bed tonight, waiting for you to go to sleep, so I can kill you.
    May 30, 2014
  2. dayleaf
    I will be waiting, so i can counterattack you.
    May 30, 2014
  3. MelMinaya
    Sounds like you won't be sleeping tonight.
    May 30, 2014
  4. dayleaf
    Sounds like a challenge.
    May 30, 2014
  5. MelMinaya
    Sounds like someone is sleepy.
    May 30, 2014
  6. dayleaf
    I had a good night with no knives in my back, my house location is too sekrit for you.
    May 30, 2014