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Comments on Profile Post by Auburn

  1. Aurora-
    I agree I might use it as a avatar sometime, although I would prefer it if she was holding a bow instead lol :>
    Jul 3, 2014
  2. Auburn
  3. Auburn
    crap, just realized I gave you the source, don't go anywhere else on that site. Consider yourself warned.
    Aug 20, 2014
  4. Aurora-
    they're all really good! I was curious to what you meant by the warning so I had a little look and now I know heh, but it was all worth it, I found a good one! :0)
    Aug 20, 2014
  5. Auburn
    >Warned not to look
    >Looks anyways

    Yeah, some of it is legitimately good fan art, but then some of it is just.... yeah.....
    Aug 20, 2014