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Comments on Profile Post by Raron

  1. WanderMark
    I am most certainly not going to make another video for quite some while. The decision was made after some personal issues, making it difficult for me to find any motivation to keep the channel going.

    The choice of closing it down might've been something a little bit too premature, but again, I was not really in a good situation.
    Apr 9, 2012
  2. WanderMark
    I am not going to leave this forum, but until I've sorted out all the problems on the homefront I am not going to make another video.

    Thank you.
    Apr 9, 2012
  3. Hella
    Apr 9, 2012
  4. WanderMark
    Apr 9, 2012
  5. Raron
    So your not gona make a new video :(
    But why did you have to delete the rest?
    Apr 9, 2012
  6. WanderMark
    Making videos is a big part of my life. Some people might find that silly, but for it is a hobby. The process of recording, editing, rendering, compressing and finally uploading. It is a lot of fun, something I love doing.
    Apr 9, 2012
  7. WanderMark
    But I will say that it is rather stressful. I want to satisfy the people that likes my video. I am forcing myself to make a video per day and if I can't fulfil this quota I feel bad. Like I've betrayed someone.
    Apr 9, 2012
  8. WanderMark
    So I made the decision to close down the channel because otherwise it would be there, making me feel bad because I wouldn't be able to make any videos.
    Apr 9, 2012
  9. WanderMark
    It is a hobby and I love making people laugh and such, but my well-being comes first, it might sound selfish. Again, I wasn't exactly thinking straight when I made the decision to close it down. Might've done otherwise right now.

    However, done is done, I don't regret anything. I will return someday making videos, if people are still around by then, great!
    Apr 9, 2012
  10. Hella
    I understand what you mean, I guess. It's a shite feeling having an unfinished project lying around, or something that just bears down on you when you know you can't live up to what you said you could... I know that feel, bro.

    Still, I look forward to your return when you have more time. ^_^
    Apr 10, 2012
  11. fortresslurker
    wandermark why not leave the channel up? we could keep watching the videos you got up then untill you get better and post more.. so 1: we all are happy watching vids while you recover 2: you no have to worry about boring us viewers and so forth... by the way i am Gamerlearner :D hope you get better
    Apr 12, 2012
  12. WanderMark
    I am probably going to start a new channel in about 1-2 weeks. Unlike the old one this is going to be completley dedicated to KAG.

    Because of this I will be able to cover more of the game without things getting messy and unorganized.
    Apr 12, 2012
  13. WanderMark
    With the new channel I am probably going to make a playlist with all the old material I have at my disposal, so you will be able to watch it there.

    I have big plans for this. Currently getting new equipment for the channel as well. Graphical tablet, new laptop. Later I am going to invest in a new microphone and a decent camera.
    Apr 12, 2012
  14. WanderMark
    I am a poor student, I can't afford buying all the new games anymore. That's why I love KAG to death. It is easy to get into and have fun after a shitty day. It never gets old to me. New builds are constantly getting released giving us new material to play with.
    Apr 12, 2012
  15. WanderMark
    The devs, the community, everyone is just so damn awesome. I couldn't ask for anything better really.

    I want to cover this game in as many ways as humanly possible, because I think it deserves that.

    Apr 12, 2012
  16. Hella
    I'm guessing that, in this situation, I am the person refered to as 'everyone'?
    Apr 12, 2012
  17. WanderMark
    Perhaps, however, I am going to keep that a secret.
    Apr 12, 2012