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Comments on Profile Post by bluefire212

  1. Beepo
    I was thinking about you 2 days ago. When I heard a guy named Ryan Miller.
    Oct 5, 2014
  2. bluefire212
    haha yeah how have you been man? and yeah there is a lot of people with my name...
    Oct 6, 2014
  3. Beepo
    Last year of high school for me. Going to tear shits up! Make revolution in Class of 2015!
    Oct 6, 2014
  4. bluefire212
    ha yeah? how so? whats going to start said revolution?
    Oct 6, 2014
  5. Beepo
    It is already happening. more than 90% of the students in my school are planning to go to college, or college after military.
    Oct 6, 2014
  6. bluefire212
    sounds good! hows kag been lately?
    Oct 6, 2014
  7. Beepo
    Dead since Kouji passed away.
    Oct 6, 2014
  8. bluefire212
    oh:( thats sad to hear:( also sad to hear the community dropped too:(
    Oct 6, 2014