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Comments on Profile Post by copper40

  1. startselect3
    very glad hallic tattled on you <3 you are a bad person
    Nov 24, 2014
  2. startselect3
    thanks hallic, you the boss :D
    Nov 24, 2014
  3. copper40
    This whole fucking site is full of anime nerds and idiots with female avatars. Please go to a psychologist.
    Nov 24, 2014
  4. Shadowor
    Being too butthurt is bad for your health. People can like what they want, and that is none of your business. I assure you they are smarter and more mature than you. Also I'm glad you got your ban everywhere on top of the perma bans you already got on some of the server. There, I fed the troll.
    Nov 24, 2014
  5. startselect3
    Thank you shadowor :) also copper40, I am not particularly a weaboo, I barely watch that many animes, I just found the anime my avatar comes from very entertaining.
    Nov 24, 2014