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Comments on Profile Post by SharkT

  1. Galen
    Surprised? It's Akame ga Kill and not Tatsumi ga Kill. :p
    Dec 7, 2014
  2. SharkT
    Pepole are raging at the author. Me too, I fucking loved him ;-;
    Dec 8, 2014
  3. fanaticmetroid
    Dear god, why was I checking random accounts... you ruined Akame G
    Dec 11, 2014
  4. Galen
    Spoiler: you die.
    Dec 11, 2014
  5. fanaticmetroid
    Everyone dies at the end, why dear world.
    Dec 13, 2014
  6. Hawxx
    Akame ga edge sucks anyway
    Dec 30, 2014