But at the same time, I don't really want to lose any more characters or for such a great series to end. I am interested to see where the story goes; they seem to have been fighting the empire for too long for them to move on to another enemy if it falls, but if it falls and the series ends, I'll be sad.
I keep hearing good things about Akame ga Kill! but honestly I find it very boring, I've heard the manga is a lot better so I might give it a shot at some point. I got 13 episodes in and was just bored to death, I just couldn't be bothered anymore, also doesn't the anime have an original ending? At least that's what I heard.
Haven't seen the whole anime, but the manga is still going and is awesome. I got bored trying to catch up on the anime, but the first ones I watched (up to episode 16, I believe) were pretty good. It's an... odd mix of genres.
It's the epic that specializes in fantasy, has a hobby of tragedy while also holding an obsession with humor, dabbles in harem but mostly does romance, and still doesn't have a namesake that makes sense. Also, I don't care how much hate this gets me, but I have to be honest: after the people like River die, almost every villain is a villain because he or she is either megalomaniacal, sadistic, or both.
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