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Comments on Profile Post by Asu

  1. blackjoker77777
    nice new avatar bro :)
    Jan 28, 2015
  2. Asu
    It's for a mod :p
    Jan 28, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  3. Dargona1018
    fook earth, we need skull-clad gates to hell (or just to change classes).
    Jan 28, 2015
  4. PUNK123
    is it that "shittiest mod"that was up?
    Jan 29, 2015
  5. Asu
    yeah, it's not really ready yet at all. Ardivaba is going to rewrite it from scratch. we'll do a "save the earth" gamemode, i guess
    Jan 29, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  6. blackjoker77777
    actually,I tried to join the server that uses that mod but it kept REdownloading the mod again...again....and again :/
    Jan 29, 2015
  7. Asu
    anyways you only can press keys and move around shit without doing anything yet :p
    Jan 29, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  8. blackjoker77777
    Jan 29, 2015
  9. PUNK123
    hows the shitties mod thing goin
    Mar 2, 2015
  10. Asu
    Ardi raged and moved to Unity and didn't see any news of it already, lel
    Mar 2, 2015
    Biurza likes this.