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Comments on Profile Post by icemusher

  1. PUNK123
    the guy carving a mountain was such a tear jerker
    Mar 14, 2015
  2. PUNK123
    I read every post thanks ice
    Mar 14, 2015
  3. icemusher
    Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. :/
    Mar 16, 2015
  4. PUNK123
    im serious
    Mar 16, 2015
  5. icemusher
    Yeah, I really like reading these question/articles.
    Mar 16, 2015
  6. PUNK123
    I only found 2 idiotic:the one portraying the religious spainards as good guys beating thousands of Indians(which was bs they had a lot of help, better weapons and the bible part was most likely bs)and the Cuban missile crisis was trash where we felt we had the right to put missiles in turkey but they couldn't defend themselves in cuba im actually intested in @FuzzyBlueBaron opinion though
    Mar 16, 2015
  7. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Link me to said stories and I can comment. Hard to find them without reading through hem all (which, tbh, I don't have time for :/).
    Mar 16, 2015
  8. icemusher
    Oh chet, I tried to link the answer I found, instead it linked the entire question.
    Mar 16, 2015
  9. icemusher
    Doesn't matter anyways, the one I was trying to show him was the first one.
    Mar 16, 2015
  10. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Mar 16, 2015
  11. PUNK123
    Mar 16, 2015
  12. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Gripping? I guess so? Although not particularly well written, imho. A worthy story? Only from the angle of being a prime example of psychological warfare on the battlefield.
    Mar 16, 2015
  13. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Other than that, it's basically a recounting of how a bunch of guys with superior weaponry and a paper thin excuse (even if the bible bit is true; it's still shit-tier application of Christian theology) began the destruction of an entire civilization that could have been engaged with on peaceful terms.
    Mar 16, 2015
  14. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Re: Cuba--

    I haven't heard anything about Turkey; but tbh it wouldn't surprise me. The first rule in aggressive foreign policy (as practised by the US for aaaages now; also practised by the USSR at the time and currently practised by Russia under Putin) is to hold your opponents to unfair standards you personally ignore. Classic expansionist BS that both sides of the Cold War perpetrated (and still do, tbh).
    Mar 16, 2015
  15. PUNK123
    it isn't as well known fuzzy but its true(the missile part)

    also they didn't win by themselves they had several tribes of the Indians enemies on their side
    Mar 16, 2015
  16. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Wasn't questioning whether it was true (I believe you); just haven't studied it myself.

    And yeah, that (several tribes of the Indians enemies on their side) sounds more plausible than 160-odd guys beating up 6000 warriors-- even with the horses and their superior weapons, there's no way you could pull that kind of shit off without either back up or, as the Bristish proved vs the Zulu, fully automatic weapons.
    Mar 16, 2015