y u hate meh, i plant spiks on tim house four victori ;c atmin benned meh 4ever nowl. pls il ur sel, u disgraci myh famerli.
yeah atmins benned spieks spemmers 4gud kills skills and eneimes 4gudbro we ant stend yer skeel at spekes placing
yeah bru, wuth yor skeel at speking you culd rool teh w8rld, and wuth yr 1337 skeellings u cans wurk at F8I Y U pley keg yu weisting ur sk111 pleyeng weth dem k1d5
Ombama hiured me tu bi his nationel gaurd butt i declindeded. I unly played keag fur lyife becuz i wanteded tu be a kaeg guartd.
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