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Comments on Profile Post by bunnie

  1. thebonesauce
    Neato! Now, if Shadowor is still an admin there, I think I'll pass...
    Apr 21, 2015
  2. bunnie
    that racist gay doesn't play kag classic anymore
    Apr 21, 2015
  3. bunnie
    even if he does, i can tell you, that he's not admin there. 100%.

    just it's rarely full (and it has 16 slots :-c) because people prefer Juxta CTF... to get some players you have to like get 3 friends and play there for a hour, then people will come

    just when one team has no more units on juxta ctf... lol
    Apr 21, 2015
  4. thebonesauce
    Well, that's good news!
    Apr 21, 2015
  5. bunnie
    if you would want to join, name is C415's Fast Saiyan
    Apr 21, 2015
  6. thebonesauce
    Cool. Thanks duder.
    Apr 21, 2015