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Comments on Profile Post by stabborazz

  1. PUNK123

    uh oh looks like you instakilled yourself
    Apr 30, 2015
  2. stabborazz
    *from ABOVE* I will land right on top of your head ! mwhahahahaha fool ! Crouching won't help.
    Apr 30, 2015
  3. PUNK123
    yes it will i wont take damage you will
    Apr 30, 2015
  4. Hella
    I'll just wait, a little out of the way, until the fun happens.
    Apr 30, 2015
  5. stabborazz
    You're to big of a target to miss and at this peed I'm going even if I miss you the shockwave of the impact will blas tyou away. (Currently I'm close to the end of the atmosphese, I'm almost going to plunge down after I did a full orbit around the earth). ((Becouse why the F*** not ?)).
    Apr 30, 2015
  6. stabborazz
    Apr 30, 2015