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Comments on Profile Post by Cobramuziek86

  1. Pizza
    Awesome, we will play by Hamachi, Tunngle or whatever though, I do not have the newest BG release and lack moneys right now
    Jun 2, 2015
  2. Cobramuziek86
    Aww, I got the Enhanced Editions on steam, so i guess they wont be compatible :(
    Jun 2, 2015
  3. Pizza
    I'll see what I can do, when I get my next paycheck ;)
    Jun 4, 2015
  4. Cobramuziek86
    hahaha dedication :P you got a third player already?
    Jun 4, 2015
  5. Pizza
    Yeppo, a good friend of me wants to join. Relaxed fella, in for some laughs and fun. ^^
    Jun 5, 2015
  6. Cobramuziek86
    Nice :) Thoughts on what chars you guys will be playing, alignment etc? 2 chars each or just 1? NPC's or own chars?
    Jun 5, 2015
  7. Pizza
    Wasn't even aware we can make our own chars in multiplayer, 2 chars each. I'm fine with everything, but I insist on playing a thief, aside of that I'm fine with everything for char #2. He doesn't really give a damn, I want to play Chaotic Neutral, do what we like, when we like, how we like. If it fits the law, that's good, but if it doesn't, that isn't a problem. You?
    Jun 7, 2015
  8. Cobramuziek86
    Ill make some characters beforehand, then pick which one (or two) id like to play with. I'm thinking of a Fighter/Mage dualclass (so the mage can use bows), maybe a healer of some kind too :) Ill make them neutral as well then, to fit the party.
    Jun 7, 2015
  9. Cobramuziek86
    Just made a shitload of characters, gonna make more still, all kinds of classes and loyalties so i can pick whatever fits :)
    Jun 8, 2015