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Comments on Profile Post by Nighthawk

  1. Sytoplasma
    It's been ten days. Are you any better at writing yet? Personally, I'm fine writing until I have to remember the combination of words I used in my head earlier once I've sat down to type. Then I got nothing.
    Jul 25, 2015
  2. icemusher
    I hate writing stories. Okay, I don't. I get an idea about every 30 minutes than lose interest in it. I just can't focus on anything for a very long time, let alone writing.
    Aug 2, 2015
  3. Sytoplasma
    I feel ya there. I could fill a book with the ideas I've had, but I can't fill a book with one of the ideas.
    Aug 2, 2015
  4. icemusher
    Half the time I forget my ideas... I used to keep a notebook detailing all of my half-baked storylines, but it's unhelpful due to my "forgetting to" write it down(too lazy)
    Aug 2, 2015
  5. Sytoplasma
    I gave up on "the notebook" before it really left the ground. I figure the best stories will stick in my head. What really annoys me is myself. For example, I recently had a dream in which I had an idea for a story that I'm pretty sure was actually decent.
    Aug 2, 2015
  6. Sytoplasma
    I took special care to write it down on my phone so I wouldn't lose it... then I woke up, completely forgetting the idea. Wtf, subconscious mind? Thanks for nothing, you troll.
    Aug 2, 2015
  7. Sytoplasma
    But in most cases, it's more like I overthink it then get pessimistic about the idea.
    Aug 2, 2015
  8. icemusher
    I tend not to overthink about my ideas, and I don't really "think" about them. I start my planning then I realize I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.
    Aug 2, 2015
  9. Nighthawk
    I know that feel. The main issue I usually have is I try to write a story with nothing but an idea. Doing that is like starting a fire with only tinder. It'll burn nicely... for about 10 seconds.
    Aug 2, 2015