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Comments on Profile Post by AmestriStephen

  1. PUNK123
    i want to know how people can complain about wanting clan wars yet they steal members from that clan. Seriously we are a very small good unit and when we try to expand so vacations and absences dont kill us they steal the new recruits
    Jul 16, 2015
  2. Psiklaw
    cry moar
    Jul 20, 2015
  3. PUNK123
    how2avoid topic. We are childish whiny complainers but what you do is called "having fun trolling and having a sense of humor" gg no re piss off.
    Jul 20, 2015
  4. Psiklaw
    Jul 20, 2015
  5. CodeRedAlert
    I can't take a vacation without some shit going down Kan!
    Jul 27, 2015
  6. Cobramuziek86
    I cant take some shit going down without taking a vacation
    Jul 29, 2015