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Comments on Profile Post by Kater

  1. CheeseMeister
    What time do you mean my Australian time, victorian time?
    May 1, 2012
  2. Kater
    Oh you live in England... well look in internet what time the New Zealand time and England times are :)
    May 1, 2012
  3. CheeseMeister
    Lolwut, I don't live in England I mean victorian time as in the state in Australia, Victorian time is called AEDT.
    May 1, 2012
  4. Kater
    oh lol allright xD
    Well how about you look up the New Zealand time and the AEDT time :)
    May 2, 2012
  5. CheeseMeister
    Just found out I cannot go, I am going to a friends house on the weekend, sorry.
    May 2, 2012
  6. Kater
    May 2, 2012