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Comments on Profile Post by Fellere825

  1. Fellere825
    Or it can be called Max Mayhem: a revenge story. MM goes on a journey of discovery and revenge, as his former love Geti us taken by the evil Crime Lord Arcrave. MM will face dangers and temptations he has never dreamed of all in order to save his love Geti.
    Aug 3, 2015
  2. NeoTheOne
    No cameron, unsubscribed and reported
    Aug 3, 2015
  3. whisper_dan
    How about "Geti't on"
    Aug 3, 2015
  4. Fellere825
    Who is Cameron?
    Aug 3, 2015
  5. Fellere825
    And unsubscribed from what?
    Aug 3, 2015
  6. NeoTheOne
    cameron is the one who set up gather... or is he a social outcast now and we're not supposed to talk about him?
    Aug 3, 2015
  7. Fellere825
    oh, i was going to add more people
    Aug 3, 2015
  8. Geti
    I'd rather _not_ give the go-ahead on this sort of thing and have you do it anyway rather than have it pinned on me tbh, haha.

    2nd option sounds more tempting/hilarious fwiw.
    Aug 4, 2015
  9. Fellere825
    I'll work on the story board later then mate. Gotta figure out how to make this dramatic and not too into your face about the innuendos. Also you should read the story about the cock farm. Pretty ok if I do say so.
    Aug 4, 2015
  10. Fellere825
  11. Geti
    Have read it, the gifplay was masterful. Was surprised I hadn't liked it, which I assume is what you were after :^)
    Aug 6, 2015
  12. Fellere825
    Nah I am trying to think of a story board for a wonderful homoerotic drama of epic proportions. It might take a while.
    Aug 6, 2015
  13. icemusher
    Is there anywhere I can pre-order this epic?
    Aug 7, 2015