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Comments on Profile Post by Asu

  1. View previous comments
  2. PUNK123
    Sep 5, 2015
  3. UndulatingTitLord
    Time will tell, you will all see, and I hope I can have everyone see that I am trying to actually do some good on these forums here. But hey, if you are the kind of people who think the worst in everyone based off past actions then yes you are cautious, but your never going to give those people a chance to be good are you.
    Sep 5, 2015
  4. UndulatingTitLord
    PM Galen punk, I added him to the convo with FBB.
    Sep 5, 2015
  5. PUNK123
    no, add me to the convo for maximum lolz
    Sep 5, 2015
  6. UndulatingTitLord
    no. I have no need to add, you, I added galen for my own reason. Galen can conduct himself in a mature manner and just observe, i am not sure whether you can but there is no apparent reason to add you.
    Sep 5, 2015
  7. blackjoker77777
    lol just lol.
    "before you open your mouth next time."
    I don't say anything unless if I'm sure about, besides that I mentioned my own personal point of view lol.
    I see that the only thing I did was quoting what you 'exactly' wrote am I wrong? and I'm free to say whatever I want since I didn't offend you (I just said that it is a silly joke).
    Sep 5, 2015
  8. UndulatingTitLord
    Your actually right blackjoker. I was so upset and worked up that people were ready to joke about something I am trying hard at that I didn't conduct myself very well. I sincerely apologize and if you wish I will remove those comments that offend you.
    Sep 5, 2015
  9. blackjoker77777
    no no it's ok, I think that apologizing is the best way to show that you're a mature guy.
    I'm sorry too if I mocked of your idea, probably because it's the nature of the human, we laugh about new irregular things. But be sure that I didn't mean to offend you or harm your feelings or attack any of your ideas. :)
    Sep 5, 2015
  10. UndulatingTitLord
    Thank you. I would have understood if you had continued to get stuck into me. Don't worry, as I read over your messages I see as you said you are simply sharing your opinion, and that is what I always argue so my comments were completely hypocritical. Obviously there are a lot of people annoyed about the idea of ATGA, but I am putting a lot of work in.
    Sep 6, 2015
  11. UndulatingTitLord
    People seem so set on stopping it, when it can't really do anyone any harm other than those that are in fact guilty of breaking the rules we are all here to abide. I mean at the core of it, like i said, it does no-one harm, so why try and stop someone else really wants to do and is trying hard to do.
    Sep 6, 2015
  12. PUNK123
    you do not have a right to enforce or manage the rules as you are not a moderator. It wouldnt be right to give you any sort of power to controll anything lol
    Sep 6, 2015
  13. Asu
    Hypocritical? You're working on an anti griefing group and you griefed yourself, more than once, and then fraser says a lot can happen in 8 months, but ATGA is exactly against this idea
    Sep 6, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  14. Asu
    Also if I'm listed in any way in ATGA lists, I'll have a pleasure buying one of the affiliated developers game just to sue them for being illegal
    Sep 6, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  15. Asu
    Plus FBB never said they would work with ATGA, but only that you could set up some forum watching thing
    Sep 6, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  16. UndulatingTitLord
    @PUNK123 they would not give me any power or control. So again, for some thing you do not yet understand the purpose of, you are trying to stop.

    And asu, if I am still a griefer then wouldn't I want to keep myself a secret from admins and moderators?

    As for the sueing part, I personally do not like threats, particularly hollow ones with no grounds. My wife is a layer.
    Sep 6, 2015
  17. UndulatingTitLord
    Lastly, FBB is currently working with me thank you, he is giving me temporary access to a part of the forums not usually visible to start up my thread. I think he can see a purpose and as it is a harmless cause thinks that I as a paid KAG member and as a standard forum member should be aloud to enjoy myself according to the rules.
    Sep 6, 2015
  18. FuzzyBlueBaron
  19. PUNK123
    ew thd.vg
    Sep 6, 2015
  20. fraser741
    Can you all get over yourself, we are setting this up to help? So you are against people who try to help the forums? GG mate
    Sep 7, 2015
  21. Asu
    By "help" you probably mean "track members you don't like"?
    Sep 7, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  22. fraser741
    No I don't mean that at all ATGA is a non bias organization, If I was bias I would be found out and then put under investigation and removed from the ATGA
    Sep 7, 2015
  23. Asu
    I wouldn't give any cred to ATGA just because you won't even let us talk to ATGA admins and various other reasons.
    Sep 7, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  24. Asu
    Well, I'll report you to ATGA for various reasons, I also have proof. For the single reason that no one wants of ATGA on forums here and FBB probably haven't followed what was up because of an inactivity time.
    Sep 7, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  25. Asu
    Which means I could sue ATGA for listing me.
    Sep 7, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  26. fraser741
    Ok sue the atga bro, you'd have more luck trying to sue a donkeys penis. Everything that the atga does is legit and fully within the grounds of the law. And you do not have a voice for everyone on the forums. You may not want them here... thats not everyone.
    Sep 8, 2015
  27. fraser741
    I could just as well say everyone one doesn't want you here, because in fact me and a few mates don't like you. Its the same thing. And report me when we have the page set up. You are well within your rights to, and it will be followed up by another member of the Kag ATGA branch.
    Sep 8, 2015
  28. UndulatingTitLord
    You know nothing of law Asumagic, try not to make statements or threats unless you mean them. You are aloud to do these actions, I am simply suggesting as what you say effects others opinions of you.
    Sep 8, 2015
  29. Asu
    You do know that if some ATGA affiliated developer (i.e. indie developers creating game 2 people plays) bans me if I haven't broke their ToS/EULA, I prefectly can sue him and I would do this.
    Sep 8, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  30. Asu
    "You are well within your rights to, and it will be followed up by another member of the Kag ATGA branch."
    As in... Undulating? Yeah, because there's only him right now, lol.
    We can't even talk to ATGA owners directly to clarify we don't need (nor want) you there because you're afraid of it
    Sep 8, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  31. FuzzyBlueBaron
    The ATGA thing is a moot point. I have concluded that no such initiative or organisation will find a home on these forums. Fair warning: if people keep raking it back up, I will become... testy. >:^(
    Sep 8, 2015
  32. PUNK123

    get off fuzzy's balls
    Sep 8, 2015
  33. UndulatingTitLord
    I would like to discus this with you further FBB if at all possible.
    Sep 9, 2015
  34. PUNK123
    no gtfo noob he ruled
    Sep 9, 2015
  35. UndulatingTitLord
    Its comments like that punk that make me want to deal with reasonable people.
    Sep 9, 2015
  36. PUNK123
    i was reasonable. I waited for fuzz to rule and then supported it.
    Sep 9, 2015
  37. fraser741
    Dude you sign agree to a contract every time you buy a game, next time read it. Like I said they don't break laws. If you wanted to get in contact with the ATGA pm one of the representatives for this branch. And we will get in contact with you if what you say is valid. Do I really have to keep discussing this with a 6yo who thinks he knows law? OR will a whole team of lawyers do it for you.
    Sep 9, 2015
  38. fraser741
    You have not even tried to get in contact with one of us. Give Un your evidence against me, If he thinks it is valid he will send it to the board and I will be investigated. I am not stopping you from contacting the ATGA you just have not tried.
    Sep 9, 2015
  39. fraser741
    And just so you know I have already said that some of the things I have said were over statements.
    Sep 9, 2015
  40. PUNK123
    Sep 9, 2015
  41. Redshadow6
    You gays are still talking? FBB finished this so pls stawp, my alert-box is getting crazy
    Sep 9, 2015
  42. PUNK123
    stfu noob red
    Sep 9, 2015
  43. Redshadow6
    Ur words dont hurt me punkonub
    Sep 9, 2015
  44. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Enough with the alert spam. Any notion of ATGA is finished. Anyone suggesting otherwise will get a free, week long, holiday from the forums. :mad:
    Sep 9, 2015
  45. PUNK123
    Sep 9, 2015
  46. Redshadow6
    thanks c;
    Sep 9, 2015
  47. blackjoker77777
    dafaq 39 alerts from this !
    ty FBB, and maybe next time we should suggest to Furai to add a possibility to 'Unfollow' profile comments in the new XenForo. (>_<)'
    Sep 9, 2015
  48. Galen

    you know

    disable getting alerts from profile posts

    (you can do that in your settings)
    Sep 9, 2015
  49. blackjoker77777
    umm why I had never seen that option before ?!?!
    Glen don't even bother yourself to answer...
    Sep 9, 2015
  50. Asu
    Moderator language :
    "ban" => "holiday"
    "permanent" => "free, long"
    Sep 9, 2015
    Biurza likes this.
  51. Galen
    ^ confirmed
    Sep 9, 2015