LOL Let me have some karma on you .3. The log chat [21:27:50] <{YB}Princess> clans are for dweebs [21:30:31] <{YB}Princess> because clans are for dweebs [21:32:01] <{YB}Princess> i will not [21:32:03] <{YB}Princess> join a clan [21:32:05] <{YB}Princess> because they suck Yeah.. Logic.. ;-;
"and im not in YB" umm "clans are actually for dweebs" umm, extremely funny. no comment. PS: Never call Vamist a "dumbass".
im glad we have you and blackjoker to seriously analyze every post good job guys, keep up the quality joke ruining
vamist is apparently a dumbass without any sense of humour What happens now does the sky fall on my head?
DatNobby, yes you're welcome. I wasn't ruining his joke, in fact I got what he meant. I just replied to what he said about clans and YB precisely, oh wait I didn't :P I was just defending Vamist :^)
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