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Comments on Profile Post by PalladiumGirl

  1. Vamist

    Let me have some karma on you .3.
    The log chat
    [21:27:50] <{YB}Princess> clans are for dweebs

    [21:30:31] <{YB}Princess> because clans are for dweebs

    [21:32:01] <{YB}Princess> i will not
    [21:32:03] <{YB}Princess> join a clan
    [21:32:05] <{YB}Princess> because they suck

    Yeah.. Logic.. ;-;
    Sep 8, 2015
  2. PalladiumGirl
    But clans are actually for dweebs and im not in YB
    Sep 8, 2015
  3. Vamist
    "don't forget to join our newest clan"

    So your in a new clan
    Sep 8, 2015
  4. PalladiumGirl
    that was a joke dumbass
    Sep 8, 2015
  5. Vamist
    *insert sarcasm here*
    Sep 8, 2015
  6. blackjoker77777
    "and im not in YB"
    "clans are actually for dweebs"
    umm, extremely funny.
    no comment.
    PS: Never call Vamist a "dumbass".
    Sep 8, 2015
  7. Vamist
    Thank you black <3
    Sep 8, 2015
  8. DatNobby
    im glad we have you and blackjoker to seriously analyze every post
    good job guys, keep up the quality joke ruining
    Sep 8, 2015
  9. PalladiumGirl
    vamist is apparently a dumbass without any sense of humour
    What happens now does the sky fall on my head?
    Sep 8, 2015
  10. Vamist
    k, hahahaha

    *insert sarcasm here*
    Sep 8, 2015
  11. PalladiumGirl
    you know what you should actually insert and where?
    Sep 8, 2015
  12. PalladiumGirl
    jk ur kewl guy just dont provoke me intentionally or purposely okiedoki?!?!!
    Sep 8, 2015
  13. blackjoker77777
    DatNobby, yes you're welcome.
    I wasn't ruining his joke, in fact I got what he meant.
    I just replied to what he said about clans and YB precisely, oh wait I didn't :P
    I was just defending Vamist :^)
    Sep 8, 2015
  14. DatNobby
    Sep 8, 2015