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Comments on Profile Post by AmestriStephen

  1. blackjoker77777
    ty bro !
    missed you tho, will be PMing you when I have some free time to chat :D
    Mar 8, 2016
    Biurza likes this.
  2. AmestriStephen
    pm =/= real time chat... you can send a message in a convo... :/
    Mar 8, 2016
  3. blackjoker77777
    ikr but I'm afraid that if I PM you, I won't be able to respond that fast thanks to school draining my free time ;-;
    also I said that I will do so when I have some free time cuz I can only start a convo via a PC... I can't do that using my phone (I think Furry is the one to be blamed or my phone is being over-retarded), either way that's why I'm only -actually- available on weekends. :'(
    Mar 8, 2016
    Biurza likes this.
  4. AmestriStephen
    Mar 8, 2016