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Comments on Profile Post by bru-jaz

  1. bru-jaz
    (...)But the posts you quoted were from 2013/2014 (Probably from alpha/classic (?)) so if the guy commented on those, mods could warned him for resurrecting a necro.
    I don't know. The thread was crappy and it probably never be added, but i don't think it was correct to lock it. (even more since in 2 years, the game changed, ppl on the community joined and left... and die, i.e)
    Mar 29, 2016
  2. Galen
    Those threads aren't from classic. Classic has had it's own suggestions forum. He wouldn't have gotten warned for necroing either if the ideas he added to those threads had made sense/added something to the conversation other than just "yes this is good i want this pls devs do it".
    Apr 5, 2016
  3. Galen
    Also you can start PMs by clicking on a member, then the information tab and then "start a conversation". Or you can just use this link and fill in the info yourself: https://forum.thd.vg/conversations/add
    also tfw 420 character limit
    Apr 5, 2016
  4. bru-jaz
    Thanks, Galen. Lawrence already adressed my message via PM the next day I "reported" his comment! I really thought he would delete this because he already clarify all in that private conversation. Thanks for the info, btw
    Apr 6, 2016