The majority of population would be totally incapable of reaching success in traditional intellectual matter. The only need for paying education comes from the fact that the education of today is not intellectually demanding, but is just a way to segment the people on an economical scale.
Its stupid, if we made college free then it would be like another high school. Employers would start to discredit college degrees because everyone would have them.
The common problem with this system, of course, is "who's going to pay for it"? In example of countries like Denmark, their tax percentage is unbelievably high. That doesn't remove the fact that free college is still a necessity in the first world, at the very least until education is of equal opportunity to everyone, which it isn't.
@FunATuns What kind of rhetoric is this? There are minors who are not able to go to college because their parents do not have enough money, or can't get a loan of any sorts, etc.
But alas, that isn't the only problem with education. In general if you are born to an uneducated family you will also not go to college simply by personal consent...
I already said the many flaws of Socialism. I am hesitant to say I support it or not because while the theory is amazing, it doesn't work in practice and leads to extremely high taxes. Communism is just stupid.
Yes, who cares about freedom of speech? You will get imprisoned for saying the least snarkiest thing you can thing of. But gun rights? Keep those, we need people who don't know how to even use a gun carrying ones around with the ability to fire them. Makes sense.
I love how you think socialism makes more sense than that, "take from the rich and give to the poor!" blah blah blah blah
Does anyone ever think of the rich people? Maybe they worked just a bit to get that far? nope, it was all luck for them
Yeah, it's totally based on effort with prevalent scammers, attorneys like the "TEXAS HAMMER", many, many scam kickstarters, etc. It has little to do with effort anymore. Yes, socialism does make sense. It gives a better platform for freedom and an equal playing field for children so you don't have to rely on your parent's wealth to get a full education and a middle class job.
But everytime those children that got a fair chance advance or succeed, they will have everything ripped away from them and given to the less successful kids. If you think that is fair then I cant argue with you because holy shit, your messed up.
How will they have everything ripped away from them, exactly? If you're talking about tax rates then yes, I agree. Socialism in practice has so far been very unsuccessful.
Hey, I agree with what TBA said, you have your own vision of what politics should be, and I have the same. Lets walk away from this peacefully and not get at each others throats. Deal?
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