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Comments on Profile Post by EhRa

  1. EhRa
  2. EhRa
    Apr 15, 2016
  3. Galen
    You are a truly horrible person if the only reason you wrote something in a language other than your own was to get the attention of me.

    On a serious note, Eragon just told you that he doesn't like you whatsoever and wants your spot as forum moderator.
    Apr 15, 2016
  4. toffie0
    xD was gonna say why am I not surprised, but I kinda put it through google translate, which is sad that I put my faith into that more....

    Anyway thanks :) (I'm not 40 meany ) xD
    Apr 15, 2016
  5. EhRa
    Nope, I'm learning German at school.
    Apr 15, 2016