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Comments on Profile Post by BeasterDenBeast

  1. kebabs44
    Wow thanks lol.
    May 12, 2012
  2. BeasterDenBeast
    I found it randomly and was like, "hmmm, I know someone that would appreciate this".
    May 12, 2012
  3. kebabs44
    Kool. I'll treasure it forever somehow. :D
    May 12, 2012
  4. BeasterDenBeast
    Hmmm, I suggest a tattoo. Assuming (because I haven't seen you in say 6 months?) you haven't grown, this might fit your whole chest :D
    May 12, 2012
  5. kebabs44
    lol, I'll print this and turn it into a sticker instead.
    May 12, 2012
  6. BeasterDenBeast
    Far less badass, but it shall suffice until I purchase a tattoo gun >:D
    May 12, 2012
  7. kebabs44
    Sounds painfull.
    May 12, 2012
  8. BeasterDenBeast
    I know about 5 kids in my grade with legitimate tattoos, so it can't be that bad. On an unrelated note, did John tell you about Teeworlds?
    May 12, 2012
  9. kebabs44
    Yea, I took a look at teeworlds. Is cool and all but my ping is ridiculous.
    May 12, 2012
  10. BeasterDenBeast
    Play an Australian server, there are like 3.
    May 12, 2012
  11. kebabs44
    But I see them empty so often.
    May 12, 2012
  12. BeasterDenBeast
    Well, hit me up on skype and we'll 1v1 one of these days, hahaha.
    May 12, 2012
  13. kebabs44
    Aight sounds good. Not now though because I'm low on internet.
    May 12, 2012
  14. BeasterDenBeast
    I know, I know. I meant sometime in the (hopefully) near future.
    May 12, 2012
  15. kebabs44
    May 12, 2012