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Comments on Profile Post by ImranZak

  1. ImranZak
    anyone wanna give me any tips or pointers? Alot of people are like omg this map is amazing yet this map is total shit(yet i find both quite good and stuff) maybe because the players don't wanna experience new shit and say teh old stuff is best
    Jul 19, 2016
  2. mcrifel
    Without internet is rough, good luck, anyway with your maps, try to place enough stone and gold. A lot of map creators don't put enough of those and the games end too quick. Also make the map fair, don' t give one side more advantages than the other (if you are feeling lazy just make one half, copy it and mirror it and place it on the other side and then change the tent).
    Jul 19, 2016
  3. PussyDestroyer
    Do not back KAPPA
    Jul 19, 2016
  4. ImranZak
    How do i mirror the map? Also I plan on making sumo rtdm and roleplay or maybe adventure maps. I can check internet from tim to time but the main disadvantage is that I can't download shit.
    Jul 21, 2016
  5. mcrifel
    idk what program you use, just search on google how to do it
    Jul 21, 2016
  6. ImranZak
    Program? Um i use paint i guess. I also have been trying to get kag solo tdm bots to work. Lel
    Jul 21, 2016