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TFlippy was last seen:
Mar 29, 2020
    1. wsensor
      I tried the magic cards. Is there a trick to get trees with them?
      1. BarsukEughen555
        no way to obtain tree seeds yet, buyable next update
        Nov 17, 2016
    2. JackMcDaniels
      Noticed the archer class is kinda useless now and they would need quite the buff to play on the same level as guns (or above) since guns also have the advantage of being able to shoot through shields. Archers are supposed to be the ranged class but well....if you play archer at this point you must have a death wish.
      1. Biurza likes this.
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      3. JackMcDaniels
        To the guy above me, arrows don't have the range, speed nor momentum to hit flying targets or far away targets whereas a bullet from a gun is almost a instant hit that requires no charging in order to shoot further. A knight or builder with a gun is a far better shooter than the archer with a bow which is kinda silly since archer supposed to be the ranged class.
        Nov 17, 2016
        Biurza likes this.
      4. TFlippy
        I may just increase their health to 3 hearts and either make the arrows cheaper, or buff their damage.
        Nov 17, 2016
      5. BarsukEughen555
        imo archer is for those, who can't afford guns, and that's balanced out, because in realworld bows are only used as a stealth weapon :)
        Nov 17, 2016
    3. JackMcDaniels
      It doesn't seem to be in effect yet, but if builders do lose coins upon death perhaps neutrals should be an exception since they're so weak and people simply kill them for fun. Also the random kicking is really terrible, whole teams are kicked in an instant.
      1. Biurza likes this.
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      3. JackMcDaniels
        Dunno, did notice something weird though on the far far far left side of the map before one of those disconnects, it looked like some players (or at least the character itself) got transported there and dropped to their death from the top left corner of the map.
        Nov 15, 2016
        Biurza likes this.
      4. JackMcDaniels
        Also noticed it happening repeatedly during one game but at that time it was an oil urn and not a player getting dropped (and exploding) endlessly, no idea if it's related or not.
        Nov 15, 2016
        Biurza likes this.
      5. borisvanmemes
        I think if a oil well is full it teleports it's oil to the the sky in the far left
        Nov 15, 2016
    4. platy1knight
      Why can a shotgun snipe bombers? WHY
      also got an armored one , when taken flight got shot and died immediately...
    5. JackMcDaniels
      There really needs to be a way for bandits/migrants to earn coins, perhaps change it so that wood blocks give more coins and wood backwall also gives coins at a reduced amount (to encourage actual building instead of block spam) or/and perhaps give them a stronger type of block (mudstone or sumin) that can't be burned.
      1. Biurza likes this.
      2. TFlippy
        Since the latest update, people drop 10% of their coins when killed, which are picked up by the killer. Hopefully it'll also make neutral farming less profitable, while giving the neutrals a way to obtain more money. (i.e. killing rich builders)
        Nov 14, 2016
      3. TFlippy
        It may be broken though, since I got a null pointer exception when testing after it was deployed onto the server. Should be fixed next patch.
        Nov 14, 2016
      4. JackMcDaniels
        Oh ok cool, because right now it only seems possible to use the bandit shop if you have leftover coins from the previous game.
        Nov 14, 2016
        Biurza likes this.
    6. wsensor
      Old tree seed question gone now:

      New question. I have used the magic cards but I never see a tree pop up just grasses and wheat stuff.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pirate-Rob
        They don't make trees or seeds.
        Nov 15, 2016
      3. wsensor
        Tflippy said we could make seeds using the magic cards how do we do it?
        Nov 16, 2016
      4. Pirate-Rob
        He was mistaken, unless he changed the code I wrote, cards do not make seeds.
        Nov 16, 2016
    7. AmestriStephen
      good job w/ the mod mate
    8. wsensor
      Tree seeds still die from damage.

      T_T poor poor tree seeds. They still dieing lol.
      Pickaxes kill em. Flames kill em. Saws kill em... Drills kill em. I think bombs kill them too lol.

      Maybe nature cards could replant trees?

      Mines still capturable from 2 and 3 blocks away. Not sure about bases yet never got a chance to actually get to an enemy base to see.
    9. BarsukEughen555
      rip flippy, spammed with TC 24/7
      1. asger75
        Haha, you're right, 2 pages of TC complaints, suggestions and questions, want me to just make a thread for you flippy
        Nov 5, 2016
      2. platy1knight
        i fokin told him to make a thread , now its too late
        Nov 5, 2016
    10. JackMcDaniels
      Not sure I understand the point in adding a radioactive glow to mithril, It makes life a rat really really difficult, and being a rat was never common or overpowered in this mod to begin with. The radioactive glow essentially nullifies stealth.
      1. Biurza likes this.
      2. TFlippy
        I may only add the radioactivity to refined mithril and remove it from the raw one, or at least make it much lower.
        Nov 6, 2016
    11. wsensor
      Could we get a fix so people can not sit 2 or 3 blocks away/above a base to take it over? (same with mines)
      It is really sad to see bases/mines get captured from 3 blocks left/right and 2 blocks above.

      Possible BUG: Tree seeds can be destroyed forever and it can make getting wood impossible if people do not pay attention or purposely destroy tree seeds.
      1. TFlippy
        Should be fixed in the next version, which is probably coming tomorrow.
        Nov 6, 2016
    12. platy1knight
      since you haven't done a thread yet ima spam you with a suggestion :
      -when creating a team the creator becomes a leader that can kick certain players (no votekick needed)
      1. TFlippy
        There are still a few issues I need to figure out, such as what happens when the team leader leaves. I was thinking of giving the team base a button that lets you become a successor if it's leaderless, or maybe a team vote.
        Nov 6, 2016
      2. platy1knight
        Yes , when he leaves , people vote for another leader
        Nov 6, 2016
    13. JackMcDaniels
      I haven't seen tanks utilized at all, kinda sad since they look pretty brutal. I think giving tanks some kind of mobility buff would be a good idea, make it so they can easily traverse blocks (perhaps some kinda Jump mechanic or rocket booster that tracks your mouse) and also allow it to travel through water at normal speed.
      1. Biurza likes this.
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      3. TFlippy
        I've been considering making bomber inventories smaller for a while, so regular bombers would be only able to carry 1 slot high items, while armored bombers would have slightly narrower inventories but higher inventories.
        Nov 6, 2016
      4. TFlippy
        I also noticed that the server often crashed after the "Can't create blobs on client", so I looked through the files and noticed a few cases where blob creation wasn't restricted only to the server. These have been fixed, so I hope it'll have some positive effect.
        Nov 6, 2016
      5. TFlippy
        I'm also going to add an air raid siren that goes off when it detects nearby foreign bombers / rockets.
        Nov 6, 2016
    14. wsensor
      So just got banned in a game. Pretty sure it was not my team that kicked me.
      We were in a fight with red/green they both bombed us.
      So I respawned in our left base (we had 2 total) and went right killed a green player that said no we were allies and a gray admin spawned right near me.

      Next thing I saw was a vote for from HORACE wanting to kick me for being a griefer and than a moment later I get kicked and banned.
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      2. wsensor
        To top it all off HORACE WAS THE GREEN TEAM MEMBER I TRIED TO KILL (I did not kill him another member of my team killed him however) ! Why do I get a kick bad for 20minutes...

        I checked the log he was on green team not ours.
        THE VOTE LITERALLY Said Griefing.

        We were fighting them this is pure bullshit.

        I really wish that when an admin was on they could check to make sure the kick/ban would be valid.
        Oct 28, 2016
      3. TFlippy
        When did it happen? I could ask Vamist for logs and ban Horace if it's true. Also, votekick bans are temporary, they last 30 minutes as far I know.

        By the way, take screenshots or record videos for evidence.
        Oct 28, 2016
      4. wsensor
        I guess I will start doing that. It is really annoying. There is no point banning him since other people actually voted yes to it.

        I just do not understand why other teams can kick vote for griefing.
        Oct 28, 2016
    15. wsensor
      Bug: I was using the warps in mines/bases. I can go right only. After I only see the YOU ARE HERE option.
      Bug: Throwing a crate with the turrets directly down (pressing the pickup/throw button while aiming down) seems to break them into multiple of said turret right next to eachother sometimes two or three pop up.
      1. TFlippy
        Should be fixed next update, thanks for telling.
        Oct 27, 2016
    16. JackMcDaniels
      Suggestion regarding Bandits, perhaps their power and influence should increase depending on how many bandit hideouts are in the map at 1 time, for example having 5 or 10 bandit hideouts in a map should unlock a new class for the bandits (bandit chief or sumin) that's able to fight on more equal terms with knight/royal knight as well as abilities that allows them to lay siege to colored bases.
      1. Biurza likes this.
      2. TFlippy
        That's a nice idea, I may add it eventually.
        Oct 26, 2016
    17. wsensor
      I just noticed that when a new game starts that coins are not always reset... Sometimes it seems they are but not always...
      I have had a couple times where I had tons of coins at the start of a new game instead of the 100 everyone is supposed to start with.
      1. TFlippy
        It doesn't completely reset them. When a map changes, everyone who has played on the previous map keeps half of their coins. If someone newly joins, they start with 100 coins.
        Oct 26, 2016
      2. wsensor
        Oh did not know that...
        Oct 26, 2016
    18. wsensor
      Apparently the newest thing to do is jump off your team by going neutral and suicide until you get behind YOUR PREVIOUS ENEMY than start ripping apart the building than jump back onto your original team nice...

      Playing and there was like 2 or 3 neutrals (doing nothing) than magically the other teams players dropped by 4 or 5 and we get a rush of 4 or 5 neutral builders tearing our walls down from behind.
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      2. TFlippy
        They'll eventually run out of ammo.~
        Oct 23, 2016
      3. wsensor
        not when they just go back to base and restock lol they are like tanks with near invincibility if your on a new team
        Oct 24, 2016
      4. JackMcDaniels
        Sappers can make quick work of royal knights, and changing to neutral means leaving your team which means you have less people defending your base.
        Oct 24, 2016
    19. JackMcDaniels
      Territory control is down I think. Also not sure if you saw my suggestion earlier but perhaps migrants/bandits could brew beer (as a storable, physical object) and also give migrants the ability to craft non-offensive objects such as music boxes. Wouldn't be right to have a migrant pub without drunk sailor playing in the background.
      1. Biurza likes this.
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      3. platy1knight
        I don't think @TFlippy would be happy getting all Trench stuff on his Profile , why won't he make a post for all these stuff?
        Oct 20, 2016
      4. asger75
        cuz he's edgy af... or he doesn't know how
        Oct 20, 2016
      5. TFlippy
        I was thinking of making a thread, but it's too much work.
        Oct 20, 2016
    20. wsensor
      Just a question. Could we please get something to punish people for mass joining a single team?
      Say a longer respawn timer with the more people on a team?

      Average it based off of team sizes so if say blue has 8 people while red/green/purple have 1 or 2 people max than blue has a longer respawn timer?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JackMcDaniels
        I'll think on it, always happy to offer suggestions
        Oct 20, 2016
        Biurza likes this.
      3. wsensor
        Really need a punishment feature for massing teams. It just gets worse and worse. Fresh game started all of a sudden there are 7 or 8 people on blue from the start. A longer respawn time would really help or perhaps charge more as UPKEEP on certain item purchases from shops.
        Oct 21, 2016
      4. wsensor
        YES 18 people on blue hooray! it gets worse and worse!

        Also I dont think royal guards should be allowed to use drills and crap they are basically tanks that never die
        Oct 21, 2016
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