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Comments on Profile Post by Converse

  1. Galen
    If this is about being mod on forums - you can't, applications are closed atm. The same goes for ingame mods, unless you get recommended by some server admin there's probably no easy way to get into it.
    Oct 30, 2016
  2. PUNK123
    she lost ingame mod during the purge(for being one of the most inactive admins) also, a related question, have you started playing beta converse?
    Oct 30, 2016
  3. Converse
    @PUNK123 I have thought about it but haven't gotten into it yet. Maybe I'll try it out tonight.
    Nov 2, 2016
  4. Geti
    Responded in PM - I've been moving house, clearing out the inbox has been an ordeal :)
    Nov 3, 2016