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Comments on Profile Post by SinZero

  1. killatron46
    It wasn't necessarily you specifically, that game was hard because your team had so many more good people than my own did. I was just frustrated that you kept rubbing it in. When I could do nothing, but try my hardest which was not good enough. =/
    May 15, 2012
  2. killatron46
    I gave you plenty of reason to think I hate you, but I do not. I was just in the middle of gamer rage. That guy moving the outpost was the last straw, dunno if you saw it.
    May 15, 2012
  3. SinZero
    Hmm....Maybe if you told me to join your team(Which i do with no hesitation) because of the unbalanced. I might have given your team a winning go. Since its so easy to snipe people above towers.
    May 15, 2012
  4. SinZero
    Also, Ya i saw it. I felt kinda sorry for you for having such foolish teammates. But still i knew you tried hard on trying to win. I praise that, since i hardly even try to win. I just try to have fun :P
    May 15, 2012