I felt sorry for you so i followed. You deserve to have at least one big thing in your life ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I said something here but didn't want your feeling to get upset, and it might have been against forum rules idk.
Cruxiat you need to make a post "like this post if you want @mcrifel to stop being a bussy and say what he wanted to"
I didn't want to start a flame war thats why I ended up removing my message. I am not salty 1 bit, i just think that what your doing is a bit scummy thats all.
@mcrifel literally a joke within our discord to get eps to post a pic, he wasn't pressured or anything. How is it scummy?
it's a fucking meme, now stfu and play along and follow and like our bae Cruxiat so he can get a bigger ego thanks
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