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Comments on Profile Post by Hella

  1. mcrifel
    I want to rent something too!
    Jan 15, 2017
  2. PussyDestroyer






    Jan 15, 2017
  3. PussyDestroyer
  4. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Clearly no one filled you in on the change in ownership. I now hold exclusive & unfettered rights in perpetuity due to Vidar gifting me the aforementioned rights as a parting gesture when he ascended. That said, I heard that one of your minions in BoW was on the take. You might want to look into who is getting kickbacks.
    Jan 16, 2017
  5. Hella
    The ownership is not in question; however, since the residence owned by yours truly resides within the bounds of my ownership (of which all previous owners have also resided and been tenants within), your rent remains overdue. Kindly forward payments.

    Yours acknowledgingly,


    Jan 16, 2017
  6. FuzzyBlueBaron
    I contest this in the most strenuous terms, mainly because it seems like the thing to do, but also because I was not informed of this at the time of purchase and there's nothing about it in the deeds. I hereby declare myself a conscientious objector and plan to stage a sit in to establish my rights.

    Jan 30, 2017