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Comments on Profile Post by Biurza

  1. Nicuwins
    Feb 7, 2017
  2. Biurza
    I dont want iphone 7 and ps 4. Instead id like to get an image which says "fuck you" and shows you middle finger please. :)
    Feb 7, 2017
  3. Nicuwins
    Nope, not possible.
    Feb 7, 2017
  4. Blue_Tiger
    haha i just got ur name. its cus ur nicholas and that sounds like niculose so u lose but u got butthurt so u call urself nicuwins but dw u always lose

    Feb 8, 2017
  5. Biurza
    It's fucking obvious malt
    Feb 8, 2017
  6. Nicuwins
    Wrong. Lock Malt up.
    Feb 8, 2017