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Comments on Profile Post by Rainbows

  1. ComboBreaker
    Sure,I could lie to you and cover the truth of my wonderfull cake-fighting-skills,but fear not!Only truth will be spoken!

    Ahem...It was actually a painted brick.But I've discovered that it is much more effective against Santa snatchers when you loudly cry "Caked" while throwing!They think that they are about to taste delicious desert when
    -crack- their jaw gets broken!
    Dec 10, 2011
  2. Rainbows
    Have you ever made variations with metal edges or possibly explosive candles?
    Dec 10, 2011
  3. ComboBreaker
    I wanted to,but mr Snippy didnt let me to dissasemble his riffle into metal scrap and he couldnt find me explosive candles!

    I wonder if it is a good idea to add small jet engine to piece of cake - the same jet I've added to train!
    *I have loads of them in my pockets.
    Dec 10, 2011
  4. Rainbows
    Did you salvage ze big jet engine from ze train vhile lemonade worshiperz tried to do ze vevolution?
    Dec 10, 2011
  5. ComboBreaker
    Gah,it was ze worst angry mob I've ever seen!Zose barbarians have broken ze jet - or it was ze result from ze impact.
    I have others jets anyway.Zey are held in my left pocket - right between atomic bombs with painted Mr.Snippy faces and my non-radioactive straw.
    Dec 10, 2011
  6. Rainbows
    Did ze crazy man suck your eyez out?
    Dec 10, 2011
  7. ComboBreaker
    I can't tell you what haz happened zere,it iz a very private thing...But I'll tell you zat I've started World War III there.

    But shhhh.Its a super secret protected by cancerous...Cancer.
    Dec 11, 2011