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Comments on Profile Post by ShapeShifterMike

  1. Pirate-Rob
    lol, clothes are coming eventually, I have more important things to worry about, like re-attaching limbs/surgery, crafting, building, weed, chairs ect
    Feb 18, 2017
  2. epsilon
    still gonna be called the nude mod ;)
    Feb 18, 2017
  3. ShapeShifterMike
    I also think you need doors, shields, pants, and some way to respawn. Like, if someone made a full body then you could possess it or something.

    P.S. You also need an automatic map skip if the whole server is dead.
    Feb 18, 2017
  4. Pirate-Rob
    Yeah, doors were gonna be one next features after some bugfixes and changes. Shields have been in for ages, they're just uncraftable. Pant/Armour are further down the to-do list, not sure when I'll get to that. Ways to respawn will eventually exist, though it'll be incredibly difficult and generally require help from the living.
    Feb 19, 2017
  5. ShapeShifterMike
    maybe ghosts could have some power? like... weak telekinesis? or maybe healing people?
    Feb 21, 2017
  6. Pirate-Rob
    Ghosts will be able to do something eventually, but nothing at the moment. And that something will not be helpful.
    Feb 21, 2017