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Comments on Profile Post by PUNK123

  1. AgentHightower
    I actually agree with Punk here, The crouching animation while shielding makes you go invisible which makes the enemy moves through you, @Eluded already wrote that technique in their Knight guide with Deynarde, I already do that technique rarely against enemies.
    May 22, 2017
  2. Asu
    How does it make you go invisible? I can't seem to reproduce that.
    May 23, 2017
  3. PUNK123
    asu i meant invisible as in not able to be seen. When you crouchshield or crouchslash your crouch is invisible(or not seen).
    May 23, 2017
  4. ultimatumm
    was just saying that crouching isn't a bug at the beginning, like you were saying. I mean devs really added it to their game
    May 24, 2017