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Comments on Profile Post by joshua12131415

  1. Asu
    kag mods are already open source
    Jun 12, 2017
  2. joshua12131415
    rob added a kill code into ros so if someone hosts it without his permission it dies a long and painful death just by him typing in a command D:
    Jun 12, 2017
  3. Asu
    well.. that can be removed easily. someone wanting to bring it back can just ask him the permission to remove the killswitch.
    Jun 12, 2017
  4. joshua12131415
    "someone wanting to bring it back"
    that would be nice );
    Jun 12, 2017
  5. Pirate-Rob
    I wouldn't want another modder continuing RoS, they most certainly won't make it the way I want it. And ye, Asu is right, the killswitch is like 2 lines long, it was mostly added to stop derps who don't know how to read code from hosting it.
    Jun 12, 2017
  6. Pirate-Rob
    Anyway Josh, everytime you ask me to host Ros again or somehow make it available, you just irritate me more and more and make me want to give it less and less. I was actually planning to host it for a weekend and patch it up again for a little bit but your guys whining just made me decide no.
    Jun 12, 2017