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Comments on Profile Post by AgentExmplary

  1. BeasterDenBeast
    I could name a lot of people. But I love it, its quite inspirational. Probably my favourite anime, along with a few others that I love.
    May 20, 2012
  2. AgentExmplary
    Really people dont like it i wonder why.But ya it is inspirational i love general story line its not boring its really good.The saddest moment in my opinion is when kimura lost to mashiba i still think kimura should have won what do you think?.
    May 21, 2012
  3. BeasterDenBeast
    Well some people dislike anime in general but Ippo is really good quality. He's a very likable and in most cases relatable character. I think the saddest moment was Jason Ozuma and Ippo's fight. I felt like I wanted both to win, there was no good and bad guy which made it pretty powerful. Seeing Ozuma sad, then cheer up when the crowd was cheering him on was really awesome.
    May 21, 2012
  4. AgentExmplary
    That was pretty good fight the most aggressive was sendo vs ippo i didnt want it to end.
    May 22, 2012