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Comments on Profile Post by IloveElectro

  1. Jackal
    Hey there Electro.
    Dec 14, 2011
  2. IloveElectro
    How you doing ! Holidays coming YEAH !
    Dec 14, 2011
  3. Jackal
    Exceptionally mediocre. Horrible family life mixed with a terrific social life, heh.
    Dec 14, 2011
  4. IloveElectro
    Haha ! School is finish soon..So that's nice I hope you will enjoy your holidays with your ''horrible'' family =)
    Dec 14, 2011
  5. Jackal
    Oh trust me, the people are not horrible. The relationships are. And yeah, this is our last week of school before break, so that's always cool.
    Dec 14, 2011