If possible, you should invest a little more money in a suitable connection, KAG is actually fairly light on bandwidth compared to many other games, you can play RTDM on 56k modem net and anything else on 128kbit adsl or w/e. Whereabouts are you located?
any internet $20-30 per month should let you play KAG on aussie servers, the limiting factor to elsewhere is lag. I've just gotten used to playing with 200-300 ping, haha.
I'm out of town so I have to use a satellite. :( We can't get proper Internet because it doesn't reach us this far out of town. I'm from Tassie BTW. About 12 Km out from Launceston, I live on a farm.
Yeah, that makes it a little more difficult, especially as the telcos aren't that interested in improving the infrastructure there. Satellite is fast enough, but yeah you'll be suffering latency no matter what that way. You should still get a playable connection to southeastern (VIC or NSW) servers though. Best of luck :/
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