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Aug 10, 2015
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TFlippy was last seen:
Mar 29, 2020
    1. wsensor
      It is getting really annoying how people are being abusive.
      Got killed by blue rushing to the left side of the map then when I joined blue team afterwords I am accused of griefing blue base.
      I was not even on a team yet and blue had just built a rushed base where I was setting up a treefarm an was getting ready to make my own base.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Concave
        Git gud
        Oct 18, 2016
      3. wsensor
        Nah being frozen would not have bothered me.
        The game had literally started and I was getting ready to build a base. Got killed by blue then killed the person who killed me but they had already set up a 2nd blue base so figured I would just join since they were where I wanted to base. Instantly got accused of griefing for supposed door breaking when there was never any doors.
        Oct 19, 2016
      4. TFlippy
        Who was that person?
        Oct 19, 2016
    2. JackMcDaniels
      The same type of bug is also ruining bandit camps, can't swap class to bandit there.

      Good job on the bandits though, would be great to see bandits as a sort of faction fleshed out more.
      1. Ferro2002
        The bandits are an amazing addition to Territory Control. Absolutely love them
        Oct 19, 2016
      2. platy1knight
        Happens to me too >.<
        Oct 20, 2016
    3. JackMcDaniels
      The fast travel options has completely disappeared for me in territory control, is this a known bug?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. asger75
        I never have been able to tp between anything... I didn't even know it was a thing
        Oct 16, 2016
      3. platy1knight
        me too , try to rejoin or restart the game , got fixed when i did that
        Oct 16, 2016
      4. TFlippy
        I've been trying to fix that bug for a while, but I can't figure out what's causing it. It also appears to only happen on the dedicated server.
        Oct 16, 2016
    4. Vamist
      ur famous!
      1. asger75
        <3 omg floppy ur so cool
        Oct 16, 2016
    5. BarsukEughen555
      get on discord, its fun there c:
      also better for dicussions then forums
      1. _Cuffs_
        Oct 16, 2016
      2. BarsukEughen555
        yes, we got more barsuk there
        Oct 16, 2016
    6. wsensor
      For the maps could we get less water high up? I think there are currently 2 maps being used?
      While one of them is fine the other has water high up and it keeps being used to flood the entire map.
      If it is not a neutral being a jerk its one team flooding the entire map so that people drown and can not dig for stone easily since it is mostly flooded.
    7. asger75
      Hey flippy, could yah tell me where to find the fly me to the moon song, I kinda like it (I couldn't find it while vulturing through ur mod files)
      1. an_obamanation
        Oct 15, 2016
      2. TFlippy
      3. asger75
        @an_obamanation nah, I've seen that one it's quite over the top in my opinion, thanks flippy
        Oct 15, 2016
    8. wsensor
      Just a question. Is there a way to have the next map start instead of relying on voting?
      Getting stuck in a game when one team has most of the players and everyone else is neutral cause they lost bases is annoying.
      Keeps happening. Team A took over everything. Has most of players and TEAM A all voting NO to next map.
      1. cesar0
        the problem is that teams with even very small amounts of players take years to be defeated as they respawn way too fast, so if you want to win anything you have to become way stronger than anybody else, resulting in one team being huge.
        Oct 14, 2016
      2. wsensor
        I think respawn times do need raised. But that also includes the neutrals and the OVERSIZED teams. I think larger teams need a longer respawn time than smaller teams but it needs raised all around no matter what.
        Oct 15, 2016
    9. Ferro2002
      I love how Territory Control gets updated so frequently, make me happy :)
    10. wsensor
      Tree Seeds seem to be broken in b14 chopped some down and the seed went poof (9+ counting trees so far)
    11. wsensor
      Everything is fun now!
      Only gets annoying when people spam doors (causes a ton of lag when there are too many)
      Also when people mass join one specific team can be rather annoying. IE: 8 on blue 1 on red/brown/green each.
      1. wsensor
        Mostly its fun.
        You might want to rework the bombers and bombs. Nothing like seeing a fresh game and within 5 minutes one team is running around throwing large bombs at people.
        Oct 6, 2016
      2. wsensor
        The bombs are nice. But the Bricks and wood blocks break way to fast now. They get destroyed so fast wish we had more special blocks that were stronger to use. Copper/Iron/Steel/Gold blocks/walls would be nice!

        Also whats mithril for 0.o
        Oct 6, 2016
      3. TFlippy
        The doors are quite fine compared to other tiles, it's mostly lagging due to the players and more complex blobs, such as forts or vehicles.

        I may add iron / steel blocks if I figure out how to get the custom tiles working.
        Oct 6, 2016
    12. BarsukEughen555
      add damn bombers (kinda like irl bombers) and fighters to make complete havoc on battlefield
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BarsukEughen555
        Oct 6, 2016
      3. TFlippy
        Update's out, going to add some new bomb and mine types soon.
        Oct 6, 2016
      4. BarsukEughen555
        yee, more 'xplosions!
        Oct 6, 2016
    13. Ferro2002
      Sorry to be a pest but is TerritoryControl still up?
      1. Vamist
        Yes, I restarted it (The server crashed(i own the server, he makes the mods))
        Sep 28, 2016
      2. Ferro2002
        Thanks for replying, i forgot you were the owner. Should have asked you first
        Sep 29, 2016
    14. MadRaccoon
      1. EhRa
        Sep 28, 2016
    15. wsensor
      Question your the one that made TerritoryControl? If so could you please disable NEUTRALS from griefing already formed teams? Maybe follow what the factions server did and make give them a grappling hook and no ability to do anything til they join a team.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. wsensor
        Unfortunately as it is that is what is happening. They go neutral than go and grief another team.

        Was just in a game was on red. A red player and a couple neutral players started griefing the area. Red player left while the remaining neutrals all continued griefing.

        Than half of them went onto the team red was facing and joined it.
        Oct 2, 2016
      3. wsensor
        Most of the map was griefed in the end by neutrals. They were taking out all defenses of each remaining team and flooding as much of the map as they could.
        Oct 2, 2016
      4. TFlippy
        I'm going to make a special builder for neutrals who will have a limited selection of buildable items, along with an ability to create a new faction. They'll also have slightly lower health and slower tile placement to prevent spamming.
        Oct 2, 2016
    16. Sylw
      Gomlins? :O
    17. BarsukEughen555
      1. kiaran
        Sep 21, 2016