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Jul 9, 2014
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Staff Alumni Tester

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiXttg4ZFqE Jun 29, 2018

Pirate-Rob was last seen:
Jul 27, 2022
    1. Pirate-Rob
      A reminder that you should join the KAG discord, it's cool and stuff and totally not toxic like kag normally is: https://discord.gg/yHB3CZT
      1. View previous comments...
      2. epsilon
        It not the same as it used to be :( so quiet tbh (considering you said there are >100 members in it)
        Nov 8, 2016
      3. Pirate-Rob
        Not a big issue tbh, if the chat moves too fast people stop talking cause they can't keep up, so I don't mind if it's slow going
        Nov 8, 2016
      4. joshua12131415
        Yess! Lets join, it's fun!! :D oh wait... :I
        Nov 10, 2016
    2. BarsukEughen555
      stop smoking, its bad for your health
      or you would turn into ashcovered bubble
      1. Pirate-Rob
        *blows bubbles*
        Nov 7, 2016
      2. BarsukEughen555
        Nov 7, 2016
    3. joshua12131415
      Can i go back to the kag discord, but i can only type in the no-rules channel?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. joshua12131415
        Maybe it was because my annoyingness was building up overtime and you just couldn't stand it anymore. jk i remember what i did.
        Nov 7, 2016
      3. joshua12131415
        Nov 7, 2016
      4. Pirate-Rob
        I don't remember you being particularly annoying, but I have just flatout banned people for any kind of spam if I saw it, so I'm not surprised.
        Nov 7, 2016
    4. joshua12131415
      What is the name of that undertale song that you think is annoying?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. joshua12131415
        much thx
        so helps
        Nov 2, 2016
      3. SirDangalang
        Bonetrousle or riot :3
        Nov 6, 2016
      4. joshua12131415
        Another Medium and Ghost Battle are the best :P
        Nov 6, 2016
    5. Ferro2002
      Hey Rob, So i have some suggestions for the better of Territory Control
      -Make a max player limit for factions. (I realise this could mess with neutrals but if you could find a way to do this it would be so appreciated)
      -I had another suggestion but came back and forgot
      1. Vamist
        Oct 25, 2016
      2. Pirate-Rob
        TC is fil's mod, not mine, however I do know fil plans to add a population limit to factions which can be increased. So no worries.
        Oct 25, 2016
    6. MonstaKit
      1. Pirate-Rob
        Oct 22, 2016
      2. BarsukEughen555
        Oct 22, 2016
      3. epsilon
        Oct 25, 2016
    7. JackMcDaniels
      I did mention it to Tflippy on his profile but i don't think he knows how to fix it. Basically the fast travel button completely vanishes but it only affects certain players while other players are able to use the tunnels without any problem.
      1. JackMcDaniels
        This same bug is also screwing with bandit lairs (making it impossible to change your class to bandit) and only allows you to use the shop functionality. When some player is murdering you as a bandit and you're unable to swap to bandit to get revenge it really really sucks. Nasty bug.
        Oct 18, 2016
      2. bunnie
        zoom in and out, it's a bug in every mod with new classes or new shops where you swap shit i think
        Oct 19, 2016
      3. Pirate-Rob
        This has never happened on any of my mods, so I'm not sure how it'd be fixed jack. I know Fil knows about this issue, so if he figures out how to fix it, I'm sure he will.
        Oct 19, 2016
    8. joshua12131415
      You're probably wondering how my arrow popped you bubble underwater.
      My arrow was really a water arrow, but you can't see water inside water :P
      1. View previous comments...
      2. joshua12131415
        I forgot where it was, guess i just have to keep searching the forums :P
        Oct 17, 2016
      3. cesar0
        it's around vamist's profile page
        Oct 17, 2016
      4. joshua12131415
        thx, i'll bring some back for you :D
        Oct 17, 2016
    9. Huppuksi
      So pirate... You had that more classes mod? How can I get it?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bunnie
        or maybe the true original that i made together with cirpons?????
        Oct 19, 2016
      3. Huppuksi
        I dunno, I just want more classes :P
        Nov 12, 2016
      4. Pirate-Rob
        Lol, maybe I'll fix it up oneday and get Vamist to host it.
        Nov 13, 2016
    10. BarsukEughen555
      nice new avatar btw
      1. View previous comments...
      2. epsilon
        :) <3
        Oct 15, 2016
      3. BarsukEughen555
        nvm bring back avatar this new gif is bullshit and not oldschool
        Oct 15, 2016
      4. epsilon
        :( </3
        Oct 16, 2016
    11. Daniel8
      I Have Mod Idea For You, Could You Make This Mod
      Mod: Leaders?
      Gamemode: Leaders?
      2 Teams Each Have Leader Chosen Randomly At Start Of Each Game. If Leader Dies, Team loses, If leader Leaves It Will Drop Mystical Item, If Someone Takes It And Presses E Before 10 Seconds From Leaving Of Leader, He Becomes New Leader. Leader Can Change Class Any Where, Classes: Behemoth And Protector. I will Post More Info In Comments.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BarsukEughen555
        rip rob
        Oct 10, 2016
      3. Daniel8
        I am not sure did i say that it would have spawn point )=
        And i had another idea, but 1 at the time...
        Oct 10, 2016
      4. Daniel8
        Oct 10, 2016
    12. zable
      when is ros comeing back?
      1. Pirate-Rob
        When someone decides to host it :P
        Sep 30, 2016
      2. joshua12131415
        Sep 30, 2016
      3. Vamist
        Sep 30, 2016
    13. Pirate-Rob
      I hope kag becomes free oneday, We'll have so many new players x)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. blackjoker77777
        Devs themselves use KAG to gain a living and asking them to do that isn't more than saying "please limit your financial budget, just to get the game as populated as it once was." and I doubt they'll like that.
        And you might want to think about everyone that paid actual money to get to use KAG, those that are going to ask for a refund or 'pemium only' features, and we know dev's opinion about that.
        Sep 26, 2016
      3. Pirate-Rob
        Well, I was only suggesting it assuming THD doesn't make much from it anymore. If they actually still get decent income from it, obviously it shouldn't be free. Also, as somebody who paid money for many copies of kag, I'd like the game to be free rather than dead in the far future.
        Sep 26, 2016
      4. jimmyzoudcba
        Like what Rob was proposing. Devs still need income; we aren't gonna take that away. I'm saying in the far future if we really need it and the devs fully give up.
        Sep 26, 2016
    14. Pirate-Rob
      1. joshua12131415
        badmin! halp
        Oct 10, 2016
      2. BarsukEughen555
        Nov 6, 2016
    15. Pirate-Rob
      Is there some kind of kag discord channel around?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pirate-Rob
        Nah, don't care much about clan discord, though I'm wondering if I should just put together a kag channel, or ask for an official one to be made.
        Aug 30, 2016
      3. Lava
        There is one, I think its by Mak and those guys but its actually just abunch of dota2 stuff
        Aug 30, 2016
      4. Pirate-Rob
        Ah, pity :/
        Aug 30, 2016
    16. Pirate-Rob
      I wonder if butcher is moddable?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. kiaran
        im sure rob is smart enough to mod butcher in better ways
        Sep 4, 2016
      3. Mazey
        he could reverse engineer the game yeah but it would be illegal
        Sep 4, 2016
      4. Pirate-Rob
        Please, when has illegal ever stopped modding~
        Sep 4, 2016
    17. Deathcruise
      How can I find information about the mod ?, because is very hard to find out for myself , like the recipes and that thing
      1. -Q
        It's realm of SECRETS.
        Aug 8, 2016
      2. zable
        if you don't understand this mod is ment for you to find out youslelf its a secret to everyone :)
        Aug 12, 2016
    18. -Q
      You really need to fix RoS. Do you know why it keeps crashing every 3 hours?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. -Q
        Sorry Pirate-Rob, the bit about your server crashing because of the earlier DDoS made me see red for a second.
        Aug 7, 2016
      3. PUNK123
        you're aware that because of the ddos protection everything of thd runs slower right?
        Aug 7, 2016
      4. EhRa
        likes this ^
        Aug 7, 2016
    19. Learner
      >Plays story mode again after many months
      >Team decides to take the zombie labyrinth tunnel
      >Have incredible and prepared team that works well together
      >No one dies along the way, we all make it to the end
      >Find out the underground secret route still doesn't actually work
      >Thankfully, we all have a laugh about it, and vote to next map (because suicide led to a respawn)
      1. Pirate-Rob
        Lol, you sure it doesn't work? I thought I remembered going through there. It's a pity I haven't got the boss done.
        Aug 6, 2016
      2. Learner
        Yea, I'm 90% sure the labyrinth is bugged/faulty. My experience through it felt exactly like it did months and months ago.

        We can get into the labyrinth, and there are supplies, traps, and annoying zombies (who's corpses just don't sit still when you try to pulp them), but just like my previous experience, the travel sign at the bottom end doesn't take you anywhere, which kind of puts a strain on progressing.
        Aug 7, 2016
      3. Pirate-Rob
        I mean, it doesn't matter much anyway, I believe the crypt doesn't even lead out anywhere special, it just goes to the town or something.
        Aug 7, 2016
    20. Pirate-Rob
      Hey, if anyone has v6 of my story mode mod in their kag folder, can you please send it to me? I seem to have lost my copy.
      1. Sylw
        We want moar stories for your story mod!
        Aug 2, 2016