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Last Activity:
Mar 29, 2020
Aug 10, 2015
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TFlippy was last seen:
Mar 29, 2020
    1. JackMcDaniels
      So will we be seeing chickens mounted on badgers anytime soon?

      I personally cant imagine anything more annoying, especially to a neutral who are favorite snacks for badgers and target practice for poultry, so the idea of a chicken mounted on a badger is an idea that could've only been concocted in the deepest depths of hell.
      1. BarsukEughen555
        Jun 17, 2017
    2. ShapeShifterMike
      TC is down. The witches are making some sort of problem and no-one can spawn. pls fix asap.
      1. Vamist
        tc is down due to the update, to much errors, give him time to fix. (KAG update not TC)
        Jun 13, 2017
      2. BarsukEughen555
        all materials bork down and attempt to rebuild prints 4 pages of errors, so rip
        Jun 13, 2017
    3. TBA_LordKnight
      Your profile pic is so cute! :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. TBA_LordKnight
        What is TC, btw? x)
        May 28, 2017
      3. Asu
        Territory Control, TFlippy's gamemode
        May 28, 2017
      4. TBA_LordKnight
        oh, yeah.
        May 28, 2017
    4. Potomatic
      What happened to server?
      1. TFlippy
        Vamist is currently hosting a Terraria server, so it's temporarily down.
        May 6, 2017
    5. Yoda32
      Hey TFlippy , U Can Explai-me Why Mytrhil is so Toxic????
      1. Pirate-Rob
        Contains the souls of every player banned from TC.
        Apr 15, 2017
      2. kiaran
        Apr 20, 2017
      3. xHKGx
        Apr 28, 2017
    6. ShapeShifterMike
      Hey TFlippy, how exactly do sv_test commands work on your server? I know so far that there is a file in your mod that allows specific people to use sv_test commands, but is this last for all admins, or just admins you trust a lot? TY for your time.
      1. TFlippy
        I prevented sv_test from enabling !commands due to other admins enabling it via RCON before, which persisted if the server crashed.

        Now it's only reserved for developers + superadmins with RCON access, who can spawn items using scripts.
        Apr 12, 2017
      2. BarsukEughen555
        typical admins get access to next stuff:
        1)basic access to RCON, which is just enough to handle admin stuff - /ban, /mute/ /freeze and so on.
        2)two typical commands which are TC-only: !admin to turn into grandpa or respawn when already grandpa, and !tp, which forcely turns you into grandpa and teleports to choosen player.
        Apr 12, 2017
    7. ShapeShifterMike
      The Territory control server is down-ish. It doesn't seem to be recognizing any blobs at all.
      1. Vamist
        Restarted the server.
        Mar 31, 2017
    8. Potomatic
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ShapeShifterMike
        Apr 12, 2017
      3. kiaran
        really, you should know that there are no rules on TC, except hacking, and badmin abuse, which i hope you dont do.
        Apr 12, 2017
      4. Pirate-Rob
        There is very much this rule, even RoS which TC inherited the spawn points from had this rule, and I had little to no rules for RoS. TC has a few rules on the rule page on vamist's server group iirc.
        Apr 13, 2017
    9. erik102003
      Im having some problems with TC framerate at late game, i mean, what could be causing it? At some point of game the game just kinda breaks the framerate. I think its the meteors but dunno :P

      PS: its probably not the PC, i can run Rust on high
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BarsukEughen555
        try getting your best core to launch kag, close everything non-needed, and try to optimise ingame stuff ala *less incindedary bomb spam more honest rifles pewpew*
        Mar 17, 2017
      3. erik102003
        will try
        Mar 17, 2017
      4. Vamist
        If you want to get more FPS in this mod, I would recommend making sure you have KAG on an SSD, I had mine on a mechanical hard drive, got around 5 FPS, moved it to a SSD, around 70+ FPS
        Mar 25, 2017
    10. ShapeShifterMike
      Tflippy, I have seen too much jerk-iness on your TC server. Pls make respawn time be longer for people who kill more. TY for your time.
      1. ShapeShifterMike
        Also make it so that bandit shops can be used to change to peasant class and maybe also a variation archer. It sucks when I accidentally swap to bandit then can't swap back.
        Mar 16, 2017
    11. zable
      1. View previous comments...
      2. TFlippy
        There's a flashlight stuffed in the rifle, but it's really deep - so it can't be seen.
        Feb 21, 2017
      3. BarsukEughen555
        only the truly best engineers of engineers, which got the knowledge of flying and invincibility machines, can turn the rifle into flashlight
        Feb 22, 2017
      4. xHKGx
        Damn! Maybe bcuz it's still in dev stage?
        Mar 11, 2017
    12. Wolfos
      Hey, could you do so where the respawn of players white, usually being built with steel walls, slightly expand the area of the building that would be a tunnel dig down what would get out of trouble, well, or respawn in heaven that would be down can bylolegko down, it is simply impossible when you play white, I apologize for my English language skills.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Wolfos
        already had a similar server, a pirate Rob did
        Feb 21, 2017
      3. Pirate-Rob
        As fil said, those floating spawns don't really work for a gamemode that focuses mainly on base building. It was fine for RoS due to the semi-TDM nature of it, but it wouldn't be so good for factions. Would also require fil to change every single map.
        Feb 22, 2017
      4. Wolfos
        Feb 22, 2017
    13. JackMcDaniels
      R.O.F.L has a really simple counter, bombs. Currently you can just go builder, grab a large bomb or two, or maybe small bombs if the damage is the same and throw them at the R.O.F.L (or mine them with your pickaxe while next to the R.O.F.L) and bam problem solved.
      1. Biurza likes this.
      2. TFlippy
        I could make R.O.F.L. either immune to damage when armed, or detonate early (albeit with a smaller explosion) when the timer's ticking and it's destroyed.
        Feb 21, 2017
    14. JackMcDaniels
      Suggestion: Make mith an automatic pickup, this stuff is way too OP when large quantities are suddenly dropped, trying to pick them up individually is extremely difficult.
      1. Biurza likes this.
      2. Pirate-Rob
        Nuu, huge quantities of mithril is an amazing suicide tactic!
        Feb 20, 2017
      3. TFlippy
        You can easily clean up mithril with the Gas Extractor.
        Feb 21, 2017
      4. TFlippy
        Also, suiciding inside a plasteel box while you're carrying 4 stacks of mithril may be even more deadly than the R.O.F.L.
        Feb 21, 2017
    15. JackMcDaniels
      Suggestion: raise the map depth at which mith spawns and make it scale with map height, it's really difficult to get mith in that floating Island map and that map of Tenshi's that has a big expansive underground.
      1. Biurza likes this.
      2. JackMcDaniels
        also that flying island map might need to be taken out of rotation altogether if you keep mith spawns the way they currently are, haven't seen spaceships or meteors in this map either. Also no Witches i think.
        Feb 1, 2017
        Biurza likes this.
      3. ShapeShifterMike
        I saw a spaceship on that map. People used it to turn gold into mithril.
        Feb 5, 2017
    16. Potomatic
      There desperately needs to be a limit on the amount of people on a team that should be based off of current server population. People just join whichever team is winning and pile up and then its a stalemate thats extremely boring, but the majority is the winning team, so the map stays the same. PLEASE do something about it its the worst part of the server.
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      2. JackMcDaniels
        Faction diversity I think would help, like certain features/capabilities depending on the type of faction you join. Like Bandits/Soliders/Zombies, but that would be a lot of work. Upkeep really isn't effective, especially when it is so cheap and easy to increase upkeep.
        Feb 5, 2017
        Biurza likes this.
      3. JackMcDaniels
        Increasing the cost of upkeep would only empower the already largest faction.
        Feb 5, 2017
        Biurza likes this.
      4. TFlippy
        I'd like to add certain faction traits once I add leaders - like increased mining yield, higher health, lower upkeep growth and such.
        Feb 5, 2017
    17. ShapeShifterMike
      Hoi! I was Wondering if you knew of a way for me to run your territory control mod locally so I can just play by myself for a while. Right now I just don't spawn and none of the shops render. Any advice would be appreciated. :) - Threeamici
      1. TFlippy
        You need to add the TC folder name in your Mods.cfg file and change the "sv_gamemode" in autoconfig.cfg to WAR. However, you won't be able to use !commands to spawn items.
        Jan 31, 2017
      2. ShapeShifterMike
        Still didn't work. Got any other ideas?
        Jan 31, 2017
    18. platy1knight
      Red became masterrace full of exo troops that fought nobody cause all players were red , also fps 5
    19. JackMcDaniels
      Suggestion: Hazmat suit. Just played a game in which a player who I couldn't identify joined our team, stole all our mithril and entombed himself in iron blocks and suicided right next to our base, therefor making it impossible for any of us to reach the mithril in time without dying.
      1. Biurza likes this.
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      3. Pirate-Rob
        Being a mithril infected neutral with a hazmat suit? Yes please~
        Jan 17, 2017
      4. BarsukEughen555
        when do
        Jan 17, 2017
      5. borisvanmemes
        I think thats a good idea
        Jan 17, 2017
    20. Cannochi
      1. Vamist
        That's sounds like factions to me.
        Jan 14, 2017
      2. Cannochi
        How do you instantly kick a faction member without a vote?
        Jan 14, 2017
      3. asger75
        TC and Factions are both very similar to begin with, I think TC is an basically factions + tth + guns.
        Jan 14, 2017