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Builder's Axe Animation 2018-06-12

This small mod adds an axe animation for builder when he hits wooden structures

  1. Diprog
    This little mod adds an axe animation for builder when he hits wooden structures.
    Feel free to use it anywhere you want without giving me a credit :wink:
    tree.gif door.gif wood.gif
    1. Unzip your downloaded mod to your "Mods" folder ("/KAG/Mods/");
    2. Open mods.cfg and add "BuilderAxe" to the end of the file;
    3. Start your server.
    Don't forget to check out my other mods :)
    Sxneca, Blubahub, MrHobo and 10 others like this.

Recent Updates

  1. Updated for latest build.

Recent Reviews

  1. jonipro
    Version: 2018-06-12
    It adds something that should be there in the first place. Who can say no to that?