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Capture The Princess (CTF Modded/Expanded) v0.974

Princesses, Airplanes, Bombers, factories.

  1. Nursery and Drill fixes

    -Tree Nursery should no longer spit out seeds on the ground making mess by growing trees under the nursery.
    -Tree Seed generation time cut in half in the tree nursery.
    -The drill should be spawning normally when bought from the builders shop.
  2. Handsaw Hotfix

    Handsaw didn't yield wood, fixed now.
  3. Updated to work with this version of KAG at this current date [07.09.17]

    Updated to work with this version of KAG at this current date [07.09.17]

    Yes I am back! And I miss the airplanes and the machine guns so I updated it.
  4. CTP LOTR v0.971 Quick Fix

    -Fixed tents icons and names
    -Updated workshop icons
    -Lowered prices here and there to give quicker start at the beginning
    -Updated statue height and creation
    -Fixed warboat crate icon bug
  5. CTP v0.97 Lord of the Rings Edition

    The king of the East has been corrupted by the power of Sauron while the West village has been filled with militia from Gordon to stop further corruption!
    - West tent is now a town center with a windmill
    -East tent is now Tower of Sauron
    -Changed team pictures and team names
    -Added statues
    -Added decorative flag that you can put on top of castle or carry in battle
    -Mini balloon has higher speed


    1. Screenshot_2.png
    2. Screenshot_1.png
    3. Screenshot_3.png
    4. Screenshot_4.png
    5. Screenshot_1.png
    6. Screenshot_2.png
    7. Screenshot_3.png
  6. CTP v0.967

    -Changed some images at the workshop menu
    -New map
    -Increase mini balloon flying speed
    -Reduce prices on some workshop for quicker start at the beginning
  7. CTP v0.966

    -2 new void maps
    -Machine Gun rate of fire increased so it is actually useful for anti-air defense
    -Fixed Bombers glitch where it can go trough doors and 2x2 spaces
    -Cost of tech is in gold now. So anyone can buy gold from trader and store it in the storage in order to get the necessary amount for the tech. Which is:
    2000 gold for Machine Gun Upgrade (-50% reload time)
    3000 gold for Bazooka Upgrade (2 missiles fired per shot)
    4000 gold for Bomber Upgrade (-50% reload time)
  8. CTP v0.962 Biomes

    Another major update, although haven't uploaded it for some time now because I wanted to make sure its stable.
    1.Now there are biomes in the game in other words, each match will have trees and grass with different color.
    Some of the biomes:
    2. Tech have been fixed, now it should work properly, although a bit different so it can work properly.
    Machine Gun and Bomber...
    JackMcDaniels likes this.
  9. CTP v0.94 Tech Update

    I added some tech that will improve the machine gun, bazooka and airships.
    For mid-late game to eliminate stalemates.
    Tech goes like this:
    1. Machine Gun Upgrade (1000 gold)
    Now machine guns hold 60 bullets per reload.
    2. Bazooka Upgrade (1250 gold)
    Bazookas fire 2 missiles simultaneously double the damage, double the fun, lets see the enemy pilots evade this!
    3. Bomber Upgrade (1500 gold)
    Bomber holds 2 heavy bombs per reload instead of 1, doing double the damage and destruction. So now 3...
  10. CTP v0.93e

    There was a problem where after you access the building workshop with E, and afterwords go around the menus with LMB the old menu would stick around for a few seconds, hopefully now this should be fixed.