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Cave Story Pack 0.6.2

For CS fans out there

  1. king-george
    A pack with the textures from Cave Story!
    screen-15-04-26-18-38-29.png ^ Screenshots are of earlier versions.
    Me and JaytleBee started working on this 10.04.15, but we never got it done for multiple reasons. So we decided to release it!

    This doesn't only contain textures, it also has different code changes to make it resemble Cave Story.

    @JaytleBee for all the coding! Thank you!
    @king-george for the texture resizing 'n stuff.

    All textures belong to Daisuke Amaya, creator of Cave Story.
    We do not own any of the textures.
    ZN_IrriNinja, DatNobby and 8x like this.